BSc, MA, DCPsych, CPsychol, AFBPsS
Independent Consulting Chartered Psychologist
07903 586941 dr.annie@btinternet.com

Dr. Annie Hinchliff
Dr. Annie Hinchliff has over 20 years of experience helping individuals, families, couples, groups and organisations in the NHS and private practice.
Providing psychological therapy with the best possible support and treatment for children, adolescents, adults, families, couples and groups to manage psychological distress across a wide range of human problems and mental health issues.
The psychological coaching consultancy offers in-depth coaching for individuals, teams and organisations. Presentations, talks and skills workshops are available to help educate and provide opportunities for team building.
A significant proportion of clients are referred by General Practitioners, psychiatrists, other health professionals and companies. Many clients have been recommended by former clients, friends, family and colleagues. Prospective clients are very welcome to contact me directly for an initial discussion or to make an appointment.