BSc, MA, DCPsych, CPsychol, AFBPsS
Independent Consulting Chartered Psychologist
07903 586941 dr.annie@btinternet.com
Sessions last for approximately 50 minutes from the scheduled appointment time and are by prior arrangement.
Unless otherwise arranged, the agreed fee is payable by cash or cheque at the end of each session. BACS payment is available by arrangement in advance. Fees are subject to annual review and non-payment of fees may result in legal action.
Therapy Sessions
Following an initial assessment, we will arrange to meet for sessions as appropriate. You are free to terminate the sessions when you wish.
All information is treated as confidential and client details are not disclosed to a third party without the client’s explicit permission. However, if it is thought that the client is a risk to themselves or to others the right is reserved to inform the appropriate agencies. Practitioner Psychologists are bound by the confines of UK law with regards to disclosure issues. Wherever possible, the client will be informed first.
If you are unable to keep your appointment please give at least 48 hours notice. Appointments missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged in full.
The British Psychological Society and the Health and Care Professions Council believe that clinical supervision is deemed essential for all Practitioner Psychologists. This ensures that good therapeutic standards are maintained. All information is treated as confidential and client details are not disclosed without the client’s explicit permission.
Professional Liability Insurance is held.
In the event of any doubts about the service you are receiving please feel free to discuss them with me. If you are still uncertain, you should seek advice from The British Psychological Society (BPS) Tel: 0116 254 9568 or the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) www.hcpc-uk.org
Code of Ethics
The Health and Care Professions Council www.hcpc-uk.org regulates Counselling Psychologists working to a strict code of Ethics and Practice.
Information Protection: Consent to Store Personal Data
I understand that Dr. Annie Hinchliff will store limited amounts of personal data about me. I understand that this will concern brief notes of factual matters and will not include diagnostic comments or labels unless we have discussed them. The data will be kept secure in a locked cabinet and strictly confidential. It will not be shared with third parties without my permission or unless required to do so by law.
Date of birth………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...............
Signed……………………………………………………………………………… Date……………………………….............